The Animals of Farthing Wood Is the Source of Most of Your Problems Today

Brace yourself, dear reader. If you have even the vaguest memories of The Animals of Farthing Wood, I am about to dredge up a whole lot of trauma for you, because it turns out this show was nothing more than a violent bloodbath masquerading as the wholesome adventures of some woodland creatures. Strap. In. The … More The Animals of Farthing Wood Is the Source of Most of Your Problems Today

Johnson and Friends: Not as Cute as You Remember

Before we get into a conversation about Australian children’s television show Johnson and Friends, I need to address something. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE JOHNSON AND FRIENDS CHARACTERS WERE PEOPLE WEARING COSTUMES?  As a child I always assumed that the show was created with some form of animation or puppetry. Nope. It was actors in … More Johnson and Friends: Not as Cute as You Remember