
After School is a blog for Aussie millennials, all about the TV shows that raised us. It aims to take a look back at some of our favourite after school entertainment and examine how it holds up by today’s cultural standards. Were shows like Rugrats and Round the Twist ahead of their time, or have they aged badly? Have any of these shows played a part in shaping the way we view the world today? 

The modern world is a complex place for millennials to navigate. It’s fraught with the imminent threat of climate change, lack of retirement prospects and Baby Boomers constantly telling us off for things like eating smashed avocado. Amongst this confusion, 90s culture has been making a nostalgic comeback. Which begs the question, is there anything we can learn from it the second time around that could help us navigate the modern world? In taking this trip down memory lane, I hope to ask some probing questions about the TV shows of the 1990s and early 2000s. Was ABC’s Lift Off just a terrible collective fever dream we all had? What ever happened to Cheez TV hosts Jade and Ryan? If we all watched Captain Planet, why is the environment still doomed? And, do you think it’s too late for me to make friends with the girls from The Saddle Club?

If you were the kind of kid who raced home from school and propped yourself in front of ABC Kids from 4pm to 6pm, grab a Le Snack and a tall glass of Milo, settle in and let’s revisit our favourite time of day: after school.


My name is Catherine and I grew up in Melbourne in the 1990s. In 2019, I can be found studying my Masters degree and succumbing to millennial trends such as probably never being able to buy a house, but also owning lots of house plants. 

Left: Me in the 90s, dressed as a fairy, having a tea party with a unicorn and assorted other animals. Five-year-old me was clearly NAILING IT and alas, it has been all downhill from here.
Right: This is me now. I may look relaxed, but rest assured I’m probably inwardly panicking about the cost of health insurance or something.

In the 1990s, you would have found me reading Disney Adventures magazine, hoarding butterfly clips and collecting Tazos just for the cute pictures. I long for a simpler time when my main worry in life was which cake to ask my mum to make out of the Australian Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake Cookbook. If you can relate, be sure to say hi and tell me what you remember about your favourite childhood TV shows!